Used Western Saddles For Sale

Used Western For Sale Seat Sizes for the Rider

Used Western saddles for sale are generally sized smaller for riders than English saddles. If you know your seat size in an English saddle, a good rule of thumb is to choose a Western saddle with a seat size two inches smaller than your typical English saddle size.

Sit in the Western saddle. There should be about four inches between your body and the swell of the saddle. Anything less than that may mean a too-small saddle, and a bigger gap means the saddle may be on the large size. Larger may be more comfortable for you.

Western riders with longer legs should choose a larger-size saddle. The fenders are scaled according to the seat size, and a larger saddle will come with longer fenders, which take up your leg better.

Western Saddles: Wither Test

On a western saddles for sale, you can conduct the same wither test as on an English saddle. Slide the saddle into place, and then slip your fingers between the gullet and the horse’s withers.

  • A good fit — Two to three fingers’ width is just about right.
  • Too narrow —  If you can fit your whole hand in between the withers and saddle gullet, the tree is too narrow.
  • Too wide — If the gullet touches your horse’s topline, or you can barely squeeze a finger in, the tree is too wide.

Western Saddles: Balance and Level Test

As with an English saddle, you should also examine a Western saddle for proper balance. After placing the saddle on your horse’s back, walk around and look at how it fits.

  • Does the saddle look level? If not, try repositioning it or using shims. You can also try different rigging positions.
  • Does the saddle look too high in front? The tree may be too narrow.
  • Does the saddle look as if it’s slumping forward or sagging in the front? The tree may be too wide.

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